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Proviziju za slanje novca preko Western Uniona UVEK plaća onaj koji ŠALJE

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Для цього перекладу вимагається лише загальний зміст.
Англійська QUESTION:Hello! I want to build ...
Hello! I want to build website for my own purpose. I don’t know much of html or other programming languages, so I decided to make the website in Dreamweaver. I’ve learned that there is a mouse-over function in the program but I don’t know how to use it. After I import the image in the document, I right-click it looking for the “image swap behaviour” function but I can’t find it. Please, help me! I’m just a beginner! And please, I don’t want html coding! Thank you in advance!

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Сербська Pitanje : Ćao! Želim da napravim...